Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer's End

Okay, so once again, I've let this go far too long without an update. Guilty as charged!

So what have I done this summer? Gallop around Europe, work a fishing boat in Alaska, move to L.A. and pursue my acting career?

Nah... I drove a cab. That's right, you heard me...

When graduation was nigh, I decided to find a job that offered a chance at gaining some new life experience and a little extra green on the side. What I got was:
  • A job where I gained valuable financial and business management experience.
  • A low-earning job which made me an average of about $4.00 an hour per 12 hour shift
  • Interaction with a lot of very different (i.e. mentally disturbed) customers
  • A realization that the taxicab industry in this town exists solely to feed off the misfortunes of others.
Now that's not to say that the people there aren't good people. Like any business, you meet good and bad eggs both. But I can't help but feel a little more heartsick for having participated in this activity while giving up valuable creative time for myself to further my actual career. Shame on me!

Anyway, on to happier stuff...

I was nominated for my first ariZoni Award for my sound design work on Proof at the beginning of this year. While I will admit that part of me wishes it had been for acting, this is an amazing honor for my first-ever sound design. And a little freaky too. I keep telling myself that it may be setting the bar too high. But I think that it also is a good message that it may be something I could be consistently good at. More in a few weeks on this after the awards are announced.

I finally received my diploma from ASU in the mail a couple of weeks ago. So it's final... I did actually finish my college degree first ahead of my siblings! Yay for me!

Oh, and since I didn't cross-post it here back in May, I did release the "Ashcan Edition" of my theatre company's first production. It's over at the Aureality Project blog site. Go check it out if you haven't already.

I may be moving soon too. So I'll do my best to keep you up on that.

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